Slick Trick Standard 4 blade broadhead 4 pack
Brand: Slick Trick
The number 1 rated head on the internet's largest bowhunting forum. SlickTrick started the super short revolution back in 2000 when they were first introduced. Still the Best.
Slick Trick Standard 4 blade broadhead 4 pack
Price: $76.95$69.95 excl. GST**
** Your price if you do not reside in Australia
Slick Trick Standard 4 blade broadhead 4 pack Description
Every season the legend grows. Slick Trick Standard 4 blade broadhead has the Slick Trick patented Alcatraz Bladelock design, truly aerodynamic to fly more accurately, air will get less grip and will not be able to push the Slick Trick off target. No other broadhead in the world has the blades completely interlocked inside the ferrule like the Slick Trick.

This design breakthrough perfects the geometry of an aerodynamic one piece 100% steel strength rhinoferrule - stronger than titanium - with 4 imprisoned aerodynamic razor sharp .035" stainless steel tough, thick Mercedes blades with a bone blaster tip for the best combination on the market for accuracy, strength, penetration, great flight, big cut and reliability.
SlickTrick is as strong as one piece broadheads but has as an option - the advantage of replacing or resharpening the blades. SlickTrick broadheads have four Lutz diamond polished custom knife grade Mercedes blades to slice slug holes for quick kills. Lutz Solingen of Germany have been making surgical steel blades since 1922.
Specs at a glance
- Blades - 0.35" stainless steel Lutz Solingen Mercedes blades (25% stronger than the non Mercedes blades)
- Ferrule - Super Steel
- Type - Custom Knife Grade
- Bladelock - Alcatraz patented
- Tip - 4 edges, bone splitting
- Flight - Field point, most bows
- Comments - Terrific all round performance. Deadly open 4 blade hole with super bone penetration. Outperforms any 1.125" 3 blade broadhead cutting 18% more for better holes and blood trails
- Available in 125 grains only
This is what people have said about the Slick Trick 125 grain Standard 4 blade broadhead.
"This bull elk was shot at just under 50 yards with my 125 grain Standard. I made a less than perfect shot as I hit high and back a bit. I did get both lungs (barely) on the shot and my guide and hunting partner were extremely impressed with the damage." From Mike Suchan
"I recently bought SlickTrick 85 grain and I can tell you this ... AWESOME! Coming from a 20 year bowhunting veteran, these are truly one awesome head. My bow is shooting 318 feet per second with deadly accuracy. I will never use anything else and all my buddies will soon be shooting SlickTricks. Thank you for one awesome head." From Doug Lyons
"A photo of our recent antelope success with the best broadheads in the world - 85 grain Standards. I can always count on my SLICKS to fly true, even at long distances! We can't keep these heads on the shelf here at our shop." From Chris Meadors, Manager of Las Cruces Archery, New Mexico, USA
A more accurate shot is a more deadly shot.
The SlickTrick has a 1" cutting diameter, .035" thick stainless steel Mercedes blades in a convenient 4 pack.
Everybody is turning on to Tricks