Abbey Archery understands your concerns about the security of buying over the internet. The internet is made up of a vast collection of linked computers. When purchasing products over the internet, security of your credit card and other personal details is of paramount concern to Abbey Archery. It is understandable that customers have concerns that personal details pass through many points before reaching Abbey Archery and that your data may fall into the "wrong hands" if adequate precautions have not been taken. Abbey Archery operates a secure data network protected by industry standard firewall and password protected systems. Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary and only authorised individuals have access to the information provided by our customers. Abbey Archery takes your security and privacy very seriously.
Any customer data on our server is encrypted. Our web store complies with PCI-DSS standards.
We use cookies on our website to facilitate ordering. No information is shared with any third parties.
Encryption is turning words and numbers into a coded language which protects the privacy of your personal information and scrambles data using random mathematical keys which can only be deciphered by the intended recipient, Abbey Archery. Encryption prevents unauthorised users from gaining access to your details or being able to change or read your data. Abbey Archery encrypts your personal data using the latest, most advanced system of 256-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology. You can identify whether the web page is secure or encrypted when you see
We hold a Sectigo Positive 256-bit Certificate. Mouse over the "Secured by Positive SSL" image at the top of this page.
Is your transaction secure?
Sophisticated encryption facilities are employed with every transaction and ensure your personal details cannot be accessed by any unauthorised person. Abbey Archery’s web site is a secure internet environment indicated by a locked padlock symbol along the bottom or top of your web browser. When the padlock is locked, you are in a secure environment (your data is being encrypted). If the padlock was unlocked, there is no encryption and no guarantee that your data is secure, that is why the padlock is always locked when transacting with Abbey Archery. When 'logging on' or entering personal information, look for the 'padlock' symbol at the bottom or top of your web browser. The ‘padlock’ symbol indicates that the page you are on has additional security. You can double-click the padlock symbol to view the certificate's details.

Credit Card payment
Abbey Archery accepts credit card payments by Visa and MasterCard. When you elect to pay by credit card, you are taken to our financial institution’s website, still in a secure environment, where you enter your credit card details and your payment is processed, however Abbey Archery does not have access to your credit card details – these details always remain with our financial institution, so you can be confident that your credit card details are secure.
Your contact details will never be given to any other person or organisation, except to your credit card company as part of your purchase transaction. We also pledge that we will not sell, give out, or use in any way your private and personal details for any reason whatsoever. There are other situations in which personal information may be disclosed, e.g. Abbey Archery will store your contact details but will only disclose this information as required by applicable Commonwealth or State laws. This means that we may make disclosures that are necessary or advisable to conform to legal and regulatory requirements or processes and where the protection of the rights, safety and property of customers, suppliers, staff or the public is deemed necessary.
Abbey guarantees absolute security