Delays in shipping to Australia


Delays in shipping to Australia

Jun 05: We are still experiencing significant delays with US inland freight taking longer to get to our freight forwarders and delays at both the US docks and at Sydney Botany container terminal. We have had partial shipments, ie where part of our cargo is rejected by the master of the ship due to space restrictions, nature of the goods etc or our shipment is bumped (transferred) to a later departing vessel (bumping occurs because the shipper accepts better paying cargo, at a higher rate to the Abbey freight charge).

The bottom line is that US ports are not coping with the demand and we will have to live with continuing delays for the foreseeable future. A new driver waiting time charge, waiting for our container to be released, has recently been introduced in Sydney by the freight companies. This is likely to be an ongoing charge.

From 1st July 2005, the Australian Customs Service will be introducing a new computer system for tracking imports and exports but more importantly, there will be a much higher level of accountability for all parties involved. There is also an increasing number of containers that are being x-rayed for illegal imports/exports which in our case causes delays. We understand that it is most frustrating waiting on an item that has been delayed. However we do appreciate your patience.

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