Year in Review 2005


Year in Review 2005

Dec 05: Apart from celebrating our 30th year in business, this year we welcomed to our Castle Hill premises, 3 of our valued suppliers from the USA & Korea & a representative of one of our manufacturers.

As well, in March, we received a generous invitation for our Castle Hill store Manager, Michael to visit our Korean suppliers. (If you are using Internet Explorer or Firefox as your browser, hover your cursor over each image to read the photo captions)

Finally a site that suits – From this......To this - All in 7 weeks!Opening day July 1st 2005 - 10am Our First Customer!To recap - From this... ....To this. I've got to work fasterTo thisStarting to take shapeBrian does work fastCounter & customer service areaLooking GoodHow are we going to fill this?Who’s been sleeping in my bed?All this has to unpacked and displayedAnd this tooI woke to this. Am I dreaming?Floor’s down and how good does it now look?Customers should like thisThat’s enough for todayWe’re ready to serve youThe Easton shaft collection!So many of the familiar Abbey Archery arrow boxes and all full upThat is a heap of stock - sure there are enough stabilisers there?Look at the target and hunting recurves and that stockI think they will look good hereLet me put up these last lot of broadheadsCompounds and compounds - I think we will have a bow for everyoneJust gotta put that box away. Brian, are we ready now?If we had a bigger ladder, we could put another face up thereDoes it look good?Those target bows make a good displayOur first bow repair. I just need to put a D Loop inOur first advert for our Brisbane store openingKeith and Brian at our 3 month celebration party1st prize - a fully kitted up ready to shoot bow packageHope we have enough stock

We opened a retail store in Brisbane on 1st July 2005 and merged with our respected Brisbane dealer, Keith Munday of Sagittarius Archery Supplies, with Keith joining our team as assistant store Manager.

Finally we installed a mezzanine floor in our Castle Hill warehouse which has given us much needed increased production and storage area.

Call Abbey Archery Free 1800 883 664

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Search for products at the top left of this page or, phone us free from within Australia on 1800 883 664 (Sydneysiders - please call 8850-6400) or, from outside Australia call: Sydney +61 2 8850 6400.
Or, send us a message.

All Prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include GST except where noted.

Abbey Archery: Australia's largest Archery Company since 1975. Now celebrating 49 years of service.

Unit 7, 15 Carrington Road, Castle Hill, NSW, 2154 Australia. Phone: 02 8850-6400 is a secure store that respects your privacy.

Copyright © 2006-2025 Abbey Archery Pty. Ltd. ABN 92051015555

Compound Bows, Recurves, Arrows, Shafts and Archery Supplies