Hoyt bows are tough - a true story


Hoyt bows are tough - a true story
by AbbeyArchery.com.au

Jan 08: Two days before diehard bowhunter Allen Bolen was to leave for the hunt of a lifetime, his buddy gave Allen's Hoyt bow a test drive by running over it with his truck.

Allen picks up the story. "It was a nightmare in slow motion. After shooting our bows preparing for the grizzly hunt of a lifetime, my buddy took my Hoyt for a spin and then left it leaning against his truck.

Thinking that it was back safe in its case, we drove off - running over my Hoyt from cam to cam!

Immediately realising what had happened, I was sickened as I bent down to pick up my half buried bow and watched the quiver full of broken arrows fall to the ground.

I assumed the riser would be bent, the limbs broken and my dream hunt ruined.

Unbelievably, my Hoyt was completely intact. I put a square to it and found it perfectly aligned.

I fired an arrow at 20 yards or 18 metres and drilled the bullseye. It was insane. I went back to 30 yards or 27 metres, 40 (36), 50 (45), 60 (54) and everything was still dead nuts accurate without any adjustments.

Two days later, I left for British Columbia with the same bow and took a record book grizzly at 38 yards or 34 metres.

When people ask me what bow I shoot, I tell them the absolute toughest bow in the world...Hoyt." Allen Bolen.

Real people, real stories, 100 per cent Hoyt.

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