Hoyt 2009 AlphaMax has already hit pay dirt


Hoyt 2009 AlphaMax has already hit pay dirt
by AbbeyArchery.com.au

Nov 08: The all new 2009 AlphaMax has caused quite a stir since its recent unveiling and bowhunters everywhere are experiencing its unbelievable karma.

Noted back country bowhunting expert, Cameron Hanes is among the long list of Hoyt Pro Staffers who have already enjoyed sweet success with the AlphaMax. Cam recently reported from the field just after arrowing a hefty blacktail buck on camera with his brand new Alpha Max.

In Cam's words ... "I put the hammer down on this dude at about 9.30 am today. What a killer bow! Just when I thought my sweet-shooting Katera was going to be a tough bow to top, out comes the AlphaMax. Thanks, Hoyt!"

Congrats Cam on an awesome buck.

AlphaMax Karma - the only way Hoyt can explain it. Some say if you do good things, good things will come back to you. Well, Hoyt put every good thing and technology they could fit into the new AlphaMax and folks are seeing a whole lot of good come back to them.

Hoyt Pro Staffer Vicki Cianciarulo recently broke in her new AlphaMax in a big way. While mule deer hunting in Colorado, USA, Vicki tagged a big-bodied, wide-racked bruiser. Then her husband, Ralph arrowed a giant North Dakota 11 pointer with his AlphaMax on his first trip. Both Ralph and Vicki have enjoyed great success with the all-new AlphaMax.

Michael Waddell dropped the biggest buck of his life two days after receiving his AlphaMax. Then one week later, he bagged another one even bigger.

The stories keep rolling in and the year is just getting started. Stay tuned for more great field reports from Hoyt Pro Staffers as the 2009 AlphaMax Karma continues!

The unbelievable 2009 AlphaMax Karma is helping bowhunters everywhere drop the hammer on Pope & Young trophies!

2009 Hoyt AlphaMax - The bow that smokes them all. It has to be top of your list.

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