Zwickey Judo Point screw on 5-16 2 pk

Brand: Zwickey

Zwickey Judo Points are the most amazing arrowhead which you cannot lose. Unbelievable and Virtually Indestructible. Pure magic - try one today

Zwickey Judo Point screw on 5-16 2 pk

          $21.77 excl. GST**
** Your price if you do not reside in Australia

Zwickey Judo Point screw on 5-16 2 pk Description

As Jack Zwickey tells it.

"Years ago my Dad Cliff and I would go out on a Sunday afternoon to thump some stumps, take a few shots and then spend the rest of our day searching for lost arrows! Not our idea of fun.

So we invented this most amazing arrowhead ever created.

  • Unbelievable
  • Unloseable
  • Virtually Indestructible

Perfect for realistic hunting practice, roving & small game and no backstop netting needed."

Judo's magic spring arms swing into explosive action, snagging grass and turf to prevent arrow loss, ricochet and burrowing.

One Judo easily outlasts 100 ordinary arrows. Endures many stump shots.

Remember, only Zwickey Judo is the real true genuine original. Everything else is just a copy and Zwickey's are made in USA.

Since 1938 the world's best arrowheads for the world's best sportsmen.

Available in 100 grain and 125 grain weights. Please specify size.

Try one....just to see if you can lose it!

Judo - the unloseable miracle point. Zwickey Judo Point Screw-in 5/16" 2 pack

Average Customer Rating: ratingratingratingratingrating
Number of Raters: 1
" These things are great! I must confess to being just a bit skeptical of the spring system, thinking impact would just bend the springs back, but it doesn't. Slams small game accurately [I had allowed for drop as you do with blunts and broadheads... my first shots went high!] with no extra drop under 30 yards. Shooting an arrow that hits the ground to make it jump out instead of digging in doesn't damage the arrow noticeably. I thought a rapid change in direction such as what the Judo provides would cause damage, but was pleasantly surprised to find it doesn't. Excellent product, and will be buying more... if these ones ever need replacing!" - from on 10/20/2014

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