Hoyt Ultra Elite XT3500 Target
This bow wins tournaments. You can trust the Hoyt Ultra Series to get your results up there with the best.
Hoyt Ultra Elite XT3500 Target Description

Hoyt Ultra Elite XT3500 Target RH. Elite Series bows are arguably the most accurate bows in the world.
More national and international tournaments have been won by top pro men with Elite Series bows since their introduction, than by any other bow on the market.
The Elite Series bows include the high performance UltraElite and the incredibly forgiving ProElite. Both are available with XT 2000, XT 3000 or the new XT 3500 limb.
They're also available in either the original Cam & 1/2 Performance System or the all-new C2 Cam & 1/2.
Every feature of the Elite Series bows has been engineered to increase accuracy, including the torque-free grip machined directly in the riser.
If you're looking to take your target shooting to an all-new level, get an Elite-Series bow in your hands and watch your scores increase.