Bohning Blazer F Nock 12's
Brand: Bohning
Blazer F Nock fit Easton CB Uni-Bushing ("G" Nock) system
Bohning Blazer F Nock 12's
Price: $19.95$18.14 excl. GST**
** Your price if you do not reside in Australia
Bohning Blazer F Nock 12's Description
Fits Easton CB Uni-Bushing ("G" Nock) system. F Nocks are exactly like regular Blazer Nocks except they are for the G-Nock system.
The "F" Nock features the same throat system as the Bohning Blazer Double Lock Nock which has a double lock feature that is just tight enough to keep your shaft on your string while maintaining an incredibly clean release.
Keeps your shaft on your string during "let down", without affecting its release when shot.
A small, press fit nock designed for "D" loops, perfect for the "string loop" shooter.

Made of durable, impact resistant polycarbonate. Weighs 6 grains, one size fits all. Available in packs of 12.
Available in 4 great colours of Neon Green (NG), Neon Orange (NO), Neon Yellow (NY) and White (WH). Please specify colour.