Custom Arrow Wraps Standard

Brand: Abbey Archery

For increased visibility and style, dress up your hunting or target arrows with arrow wraps. Light weight, bright in colour and easy to install

Custom Arrow Wraps Standard

Sale Price: (normally $24.95)
[$14.50 excl. GST]

Custom Arrow Wraps Standard Description

We have an introductory offer on Custom Arrow Wraps Standard currently on Special at just $15.95. Normally $24.95 but out they go at just $15.95, only while stocks last.Be one of the lucky ones to bag this great bargain. Save a healthy $9.00 off the retail price, but hurry as these wraps are running out fast and once they're gone...well, they're gone.

In recent years Arrow Wraps have become a very popular and necessary inclusion in fletching your arrows. Wraps are very easy to install, simply use a semi-soft flat surface, like a mouse pad to apply wrap. Arrow Wraps make it easier to fletch and re-fletch your vanes or feathers on your arrow using any good adhesive.

Dress up either your hunting or target arrows for increased visibility and style. Sometimes you just want more colour. An arrow with a wrap installed can be much easier to find in the bush or at the target. Custom Arrow Wraps Standard are available in some great colours in packs of 12.

Standard Arrow Wraps suit .204 standard carbon shafts such as Easton PowerFlights and Gold Tip Hunters and come in two sizes

  • Standard 125mm or 4.9in x 28mm or 1.10in
  • Standard 100mm or 3.9in x 28mm or 1.10in
  • Please specify size

Standard Arrow Wraps 125mm are available in

  • Honeycomb Green
  • Honeycomb Orange
  • Honeycomb Pink
  • Honeycomb Red
  • Digital Flag - not illustrated

Standard Arrow Wraps 100mm are available in

  • White Flag only - not illustrated

Please specify colour choice.

Proudly Made in Australia.

We have an introductory offer on Custom Arrow Wraps Standard currently on Special at just $15.95. Normally $24.95 but out they go at just $15.95, only while stocks last. Be one of the lucky ones to bag this great bargain. Save a healthy $9.00 off the retail price, but hurry as these wraps are running out fast and once they're gone...well, they're gone.

Average Customer Rating: rating
Number of Raters: 2
"1" - from on 10/13/2024
"1" - from on 08/13/2024

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All Prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include GST except where noted.

Abbey Archery: Australia's largest Archery Company since 1975. Now celebrating 49 years of service.

Unit 7, 15 Carrington Road, Castle Hill, NSW, 2154 Australia. Phone: 02 8850-6400 is a secure store that respects your privacy.

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