Slick Trick Magnum 4 blade broadhead 4 pack
Brand: Slick Trick
The number 1 rated head on the internet's largest bowhunting forum. SlickTrick started the super short revolution back in 2000 when they were first introduced. Still the Best.
Slick Trick Magnum 4 blade broadhead 4 pack
Price: $76.95$69.95 excl. GST**
** Your price if you do not reside in Australia
Slick Trick Magnum 4 blade broadhead 4 pack Description
Every season the legend grows. Slick Trick Magnum 4 blade broadhead has the Slick Trick patented Alcatraz Bladelock design, truly aerodynamic to fly more accurately, air will get less grip and will not be able to push the Slick Trick off target. No other broadhead in the world has the blades completely interlocked inside the ferrule like the Slick Trick.
This design breakthrough perfects the geometry of an aerodynamic one piece 100% steel strength rhinoferrule - stronger than titanium - with 4 imprisoned aerodynamic razor sharp .035" stainless steel tough, thick Mercedes blades with a bone blaster tip for the best combination on the market for accuracy, strength, penetration, great flight, big cut and reliability.
SlickTrick is as strong as one piece broadheads but has as an option - the advantage of replacing or resharpening the blades. Slick Trick broadheads have four Lutz diamond polished custom knife grade Mercedes blades to slice slug holes for quick kills. Lutz Solingen of Germany have been making surgical steel blades since 1922.
Specs at a glance
- Blades - 0.35" stainless steel Lutz Solingen Mercedes blades (25% stronger than the non Mercedes blades)
- Ferrule - Super Steel
- Type - Custom Knife Grade
- Bladelock - Alcatraz patented
- Tip - 4 edges, bone splitting
- Flight - Field point, most bows
- Available in 125 grains only
- Comments - First super short broadhead in January 2000. Mechanical flight and holes with fixed strength, penetration and reliability. Amazed bowhunters coined the term, slug holes after seeing Magnum kills. Legendary.
This is what people have said about the Slick Trick 125 grain Magnum 4 blade broadhead.
"Hi, my name is Andre Theron. I live in South Africa. I am also a past president of the South African Bowhunters Association (SABA). I have been bowhunting for the past 15 years and have shot almost every broadhead that is on the market. My partner and I were given 3 packs of SlickTrick Magnum 125 grain heads and we went hunting this past weekend with them. We shot 10 animals - all with the Tricks. All I can say is "amazing". All were quick and effective kills. I have shot hundreds of animals with various broadheads, but one specific warthog I shot on the weekend, the blood trail was unbelievable. I have never seen anything like it before. The animal, running at full tilt, expired within 40 yards. This SlickTrick Magnum broadhead shot virtual tunnels through these animals. My fellow hunters on the game farm were also amazed at the arrow holes." From Andre Theron, South Africa
"I decided to make the switch from a 3 blade broadhead that I sharpened myself. Your 125 Magnum SlickTrick and that arrow flew like a dart. I was able to close within 42 yards - a double lung shot with a SlickTrick pass through. He had a huge slug hole in the entry. The buck green scored 203. Thank you all for a great product that makes a hunter's dreams come true." From Steve Updegraff
"For the past eight years I've worked in numerous archery shops around the country, getting lots of customer feedback on every broadhead under the sun. This is the best broadhead out there. Tough, sharp, quiet and most importantly, accurate. This is why all my archery shop buddies push them and why we use them." From Jordan Greenwood
"I would personally like to thank SlickTrick for such an awesome product. On the recommendation from the store owner, I purchased about three dozen of your 1 1-8" Magnum 100 grain broadheads from a local archery shop for my trip to Africa. After shooting them with my Bowtech and seeing how well they flew, I was confident I had found the right broadhead. I shoot a Bowtech compound with 90lb Samson limbs, my draw length is 26 inches and arrow weight is 413 grains and arrow speed is 309 fps. The SlickTrick was to be used on the plains game and this awesome broadhead did a great job. After harvesting 17 animals with the broadhead at distances ranging from 15 yards to 75 yards, I was ecstatic. I used the same bow for the Cape Buffalo but with a 650 grain arrow and the speed was 287 fps. I had 1 dozen SlickTricks left over, once my hunt ended. I gave them to my guide in Africa because he was very impressed. He encourages all of his hunters to use your broadheads when they come to hunt, because he feels they will be as successful as I was. As the pictures that I provided you will attest, you can see why we were all impressed." From Shane Standley
"Just got back from New Zealand where I took this red stag. (Photo supplied). A forty yard shot with a SlickTrick Magnum 100 and once again I can see the end of the blood trail from where I was standing when the shot was taken. Normally the stag might have gone 80 yards! Also shot an arawapa ram with about the same results. SlickTricks keep wackin' 'em and stackin' 'em." From Dreabon Joiner
"Attached is a picture of the exit wound (slug hole) using the 100 grain Magnum SlickTrick. After cruising through this mature deer, end to end, your SlickTrick head looks brand new. Thank you for making a product that is superior to all others, consistent and reliable, but still affordable." From Tom Clough
"I wanted to share some photos of my trophies taken using SlickTrick 100 grain Magnum broadheads. Most noteworthy is the eland, which was an absolute giant. My professional hunter said he's never seen such a monster in his 23+ years. Thanks for making a superior product that can take down even the toughest of animals." From Geoffrey Patti
A more accurate shot is a more deadly shot.
The SlickTrick has a 1 1-8" cutting diameter, .035" thick stainless steel Mercedes blades in a convenient 4 pack.
Everybody is turning on to Tricks